ColorLite ColorCube
Stationary Spectrophotometer
ColorLite ColorCube
Simplicity and precision with the laboratory spectrophotometer
- Various measurement geometries (45°/0°, d/8°, d/0°) for a wide range of applications
- Visual pass/fail evaluation using coloured backlighting
- High-quality aluminium housing
- LED light source – for the best long-term stability

The ColorCube is the new, future-oriented laboratory spectrophotometer from ColorLite. It impresses with its modern, functional design and technology. Only high-quality components are used for the ColorCube series, guaranteeing a long service life and reliable measurement results.
The measuring range of the colour measuring instruments is in the visible range from 400 to 700 nm with a spectral scanning in 3.5 nm
steps. Depending on the measurement requirements, the ColorCube is available with d/8°, 45°/0° and d/0° measuring geometry as well as different measuring spot sizes.
The ColorCube is easy to use and, despite its comparatively small size, meets all the requirements of a modern laboratory measuring device.
The colour measuring device can be conveniently connected to any Windows PC or tablet via USB 2.0.
Together with the extensive quality assurance software included in the scope of delivery, the ColorCube offers the perfect complete solution for your laboratory.
The scope of delivery includes:
- White standard certified by the PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt)
- Black reference
- PC software ColorDaTra Professional incl. licence
- USB connection cable
Labor-Spektralphotometer | ColorCube --> | sph45 Messfläche 20 mm | sph38 Messfläche 38 mm | sph80 Messfläche 80 mm | sph d/8 Messfläche 3,6,10 mm |
Messgeometrien | 45°/0° Zirkularbeleuchtung bei 45°, Messung bei 0° - nach DIN 5033 | X | |||
Diffusbeleuchtung d/0°, Messung bei 0° | X | X | |||
Diffusbeleuchtung d/8° - nach DIN 5033 | X | ||||
Normlichtarten | D65, D55, D50, A, C, F11 | X | X | X | X |
Normbeobachter | 2° und 10° | X | X | X | X |
Farbräume | XYZ, Yxy, ΔE CIE L*a*b*, L*u*v*, L*C*h, Hunter Lab Remissionskurve mit Cursor/Anzeige in nm und % CIE-L*a*b* Diagramm inkl. Toleranzgrenzen, | X | X | X | X |
Qualitätskontrolle Toleranzgrenzen der Farbdifferenzen: | dE CIELab; dL, da, db; dL, du, dv; dL, dC, dh; Min/Max, PASS/FAIL, dECMC (1:1 und 1:2), CIE dE94, dE2000 Metamerie-Index für D65/A und D65/F11 nach DIN 6172 | X | X | X | X |
Weitere Farbwerte | Kontrast: LRV - BS 8493:2008, verschied. Weissgradwerte, verschied. Gelbwerte, Grau Index Hazen/APHA; JOD | X | X | X | X |
Spektralbereich/ Wellenlänge | 400 nm bis 700 nm | X | X | X | X |
Spektrale Auflösung | Holografisches Gitter-Spektrometer HWB bei 500 nm < 10 nm Abtastung in 3,5 nm Schritten 115 x 16-Bit Werte pro Scan | X | X | X | X |
Wiederholgenauigkeit | < 0,03 ΔE CIELab | X | X | X | X |
Abmessungen/ Gewicht | 150 mm x 230 mm x 230 mm (H x L x B); 6,3 Kg | X | X | X | X |
Lichtquelle | Weisse und blaue LED‘s Lebensdauer > 20 Jahre | X | X | X | X |
PC-Verbindung | USB 2.0 | X | X | X | X |
d/0° probe head – measuring inhomogeneous samples
The d/0° measuring heads ( and -adapters) MA38 and MA80 illuminate the sample with a diffuse LED light source on an area of 38 mm or an 80 mm respectively. These versions are used to measure inhomogeneous samples such as granules, food, wood paints or…Alternative devices